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CaC 1000 Plus Benefits, Uses,Side Effects, Flavours, Price

CaC-1000 Plus Calcium Tablets Benefits | Flavors |Uses | Side Effects

CaC-1000 Plus Calcium Tablets is supplement which contains calcium taken through mouth with food or without food.

Calcium 1000 Plus Uses

Calcium deficiency is a as issue in Pakistan. Vitamin D and Calcium deficiency in the body leads to bones weakness problem. If you have aching and fragile bones problem in the body you can take this supplement further more pregnancy, and lactation or Osteopenia in these conditions our body lose the Calcium. CaC-1000 Plus tablets are the trusted tablets by the health care officials as it help to provide good amount of calcium ha help to maintain the bones healthy and strong.

Benefits of Cac 1000 Plus

Calcium deficiency is a major problem in  Pakistan every 1 in 2 women suffer from this. Climacteric women, and especially Adults suffer from weak bones problem which leads to stymie their flexibility in general and also have bad impact their health.

Calcium are very necessary in our body, and plays a vital role in building or maintaining our skin, teeth, bones, blood vessels strong and healthy. Calcium deficiency in our body can leads to aching and fragile bones in the body.

Cac 1000 Plus Calcium Tablets is the most preferable medication of the doctors and Health Care specialist.

CaC-1000  Plus as this supplement is  most effective and trusted by the customers.

Cac 1000 Plus Benefits in Pregnancy

In early pregnancy the good amount of calcium is required to women body. If your body can’t make then you have to get the calcium from food or supplement.

During the pregnancy you can take CaC-1000 mg of calcium every day. If you are younger or 18 then you have to take 1300 mg of calcium every day with your doctor advise.

Cac 1000 Plus Benefits for Hairs

Vitamin C is good for hair it prevent hairs from growing weak, thin, and brittle. In order to have healthy hair includes it your daily routine.

As the Cac-1000 plus have vitamin C so it is good for you hair.

Cac 1000 Plus Benefits for Skin

Vitamin C are the most essential for our body and also plays a vital role in Skin health. CaC 1000 Plus contains Vitamin C  regular use have can give you the better result to maintained the good health of skin.

Cac 1000 Plus Ingredients - Cac 1000 Plus Formula

This composition of this Supplement contains following:   

  • Calcium Lactate Gluconate (1000 mg)
  • Calcium Carbonate (327 mg)
  • Vitamin C (500 mg)
  • Vitamin D3 (400 mg)
  • Vitamin B6 (10 mg)
  • Micronutrients

Cac 1000 Plus Flavours

Supplement tablets are available in 4 different flavors in Pakistan. Like Orange,  Cola, Mango, and Lemon (Sugar Free).

Cac 1000 Plus Side Effects

CaC-100 Plus is a safe supplement in drinking but in some cases it can effect like belching, and burping in  some patient. Here are some diseases in which take the supplement with doctor advise.

Kidney Stone

The patient with the family history of kidney stones take the supplement with the advise of the doctors.


Raised level of calcium in the blood leads to the condition of Hypercalcemia. Patient with Hypercalcemia can leads to severe results in osteoporosis, Kidney Stones, Kidney failure, and arrhythmia. Hypercalcemia patient always take the dosage with doctor advise.

Heart Disease Patient

The patient with the family history of Heart diseases always take the supplement with the advise of the doctor.

Warnings of  CaC-100 Plus

Here are the some Warnings and precaution before use :

  • This supplement is not recommended for the child below the age of 3 years.
  • Always keep out the supplement reach of the childrens.
  • Always read the supplement label before use.
  • In case of over dosage of the supplement during pregnancy immediate consult with doctor.
  • Always keep the supplement away from heat and moisture.
  • Keep the cap of bottle tight.

Cac 1000 Plus Price in Pakistan

Price of the calcium supplement in Pakistan is

FAQ about Cac 1000 Calcium Tablet Plus use

What is the function of Cac 1000 Plus?

Supplement prevent the body from the deficiencies of the calcium like Vitamins B, C and D in the body, as these Calcium are very essential for the body the provides strength to the bones.

What is the best time to take Cac 1000 Plus?

For good and affective results take the supplement with meal, you can also take without meal. Keep in mind do not take the supplement at bedtime.

How to use CaC-1000 Plus?

It is dissolvable tablet. Dissolve the CaC-1000 Plus Tablet in a glass of water and take as prescribe by your health care advisor.

Can I take Cac 1000 Plus daily?

Supplement is good way to intake calcium. Tablet contains 1000 mg of calcium which is absorbable amount for the body easily.  

Does Cac 1000 Plus have Sugar?

Supplement does not have sugar, it comes in 4 different flavors.

Can we take Cac 1000 Plus before bed?

You can take the Calcium supplement before going to bed it does not affects your sleep or else, but it can reduced the affectedness of the Supplement.

Does Cac 1000 Plus Increase BP?

If we take higher auppliment more then 1000 mg increase in calcium intake slightly reduced the both diastolic and, systolic  blood pressure by 1.37 mmHg lower, and by 1.45 mmHg lower.

Is CaC-1000 Plus is safe in early pregnancy?

Yes Cac 1000 Plus is safe during early pregnancy as the calcium are necessary to the bosy.

Is CaC-1000 Plus Benefits for hairs?

Supplement contains  Vitamin C which is good for hairs growth. Continue use is necessary for good result.

What is recommended dosage of CaC-100 Plus?

It can be taken above the age of 3 years. Recommended dosage of the supplement is ae under:

  • 3 to 7 Years              ½ Tablet
  • Above 7 Years          1 Tablet

If the patient have any serious problem then you can take the dosage as per the prescription of your health care official advise for good results.

Can I take CaC-1000 and Surbex Z together?

Take one Cac 1000 plus or Surbex Z daily.

Alternative drugs to CaC-100 Plus?

Alternative to CaC-100 Plus are available in Pakistan. Here are these:

  • Calcee by Wilsons.
  • Abocal by Abbot.
  • Calcite 600 by Martindale.

Disclaimer and Endorsement


All information contained on this website is for educational and informative use only and does not claim to be an authority. Always consult with your health taker before use.


All images and videos are copyrighted to their respective owners

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